Practical information

To Register

Prices are in euros. You must be 17 years old on the date the course starts or, if you are a minor taking part in a group course, you must be accompanied by an adult.
Your enrolment will only be registered once you have paid a deposit equivalent to half the total amount.
Full payment is expected on the first day of the course. Upon receipt of payment, the CLA will send you your registration certificate and an accommodation certificate (if you are applying for accommodation with the Reception Office).
Courses may be continued through distance learning in the event of force majeure at the CLA's initiative.

For further information, please contact : 

Getting a Visa 

Depending on your nationality and the length of your stay in France, you may need a visa : please check with the French consulate in your country. Some students, depending on their nationality, are required to sign up on the following platform :

Please take the necessary steps if this applies to you

Your Multi-Service Student Card

If you are a registered student at the university, you will receive a PASS’UBFC multiservice card. This will allow you to get special discounts for your meals at the CROUS university cafeterias.

How to Pay

The price and duration of courses take public holidays into account. Payment of registration fees can be made:

  • online, after completing the registration process, by credit card at or on site when you arrive.
  • by bank transfer : if you choose to do this, please specify the course you have chosen and your name.

Bank details : DRFIP Franche-Comté Doubs 63 quai Veil-Picard 25030 Besançon cedex FRANCE

Bank code : 10071 / Sort code : 25000
Account number : 00001002622 / RIB key : 67
IBAN code : FR76 1007 1250 0000 0010 0262 267

  • by French bank cheque made out in euros to: “Monsieur l’Agent comptable de l’Université Marie et Louis Pasteur (UMLP)". Please send your cheque to the following address : CLA : 6, rue Gabriel Plançon 25030 Besançon cedex FRANCE”
  • by postal order to “l’Agent comptable de l’Université Marie et Louis Pasteur (UMLP)”. If you choose this option, please include a copy of the postal receipt along with your registration form.
  • in cash (euros)

General Terms and Conditions

Preferential Rates

Students who re-enrol or members a student’s family (spouse or children) who enrol in the 12 months following a course can benefit from a 10% discount on course fees (this does not include tuition fees). This discount can also apply for institutions or companies who wish to renew enrollment for their students or staff.

Students enrolled at the Université Marie et Louis Pasteur and members of the UMPL’s permanent staff (tenured and contract staff) who enrol individually (outside the language training programs offered by the Continuing Education Department and/or the School of Graduate Studies) benefit from a 30% discount.

The spouses or children of members of the UMPL staff benefit from a 15% discount on CLA courses (the number of students per course is limited, so this offer is subject to availability).

 Cancellations - Refunds

Regardless of the course chosen, all registrations for a session are due in full. If you cancel due to a duly recognised case of force majeure, you must notify us as soon as possible in writing (by letter or e-mail), enclosing all relevant supporting documents. In this case, you will only be charged for the number of days for which you have attended the course.

Refunds of money paid for a course can only be made in the following three cases, provided you provide appropriate justification :
- visa refusal
- health problems
- death of a close relative

Postponing your Course

If you are forced to cancel your course for reasons other than the ones mentioned above, you can use the amount you have already paid to participate in another session or course in the year following your first payment. Please notify us at least two weeks before the beginning of the course you initially registered for.

Groups of Underage Students

The CLA is required to register groups of students under the age of 18 staying with host families with the local Departmental Authorities (DDCSPP). Confirmation of the group's arrival is therefore required at least 10 weeks before the start of the course.


Students will be charged for any absence which is not justified by a case of force
majeure (see above).

Cancellations made by the CLA

If a group does not reach a minimum number of participants, the CLA may cancel the course or decide to modify the initial course format. If any changes are made, we will makes sure that each trainee’s objectives are taken into account.
If the course is cancelled, participants will be notified by the CLA 5 working days before it starts. In this case, course fees will be fully reimbursed.


The Reception Office and pedagogical coordinators are here to help or answer any questions you may have as quickly as possible. If the reply you receive from any member of staff is not to your satisfaction, please contact us at

Legal Liability

Students are advised to check with their insurance company that their contract covers any risks that may occur during the course.

Image Rights

Pictures and videos taken of students during class time or other educational activities may be used by the CLA for promotional purposes (on its website, on social media or in informational publications). If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please let us know when the pictures are taken.


The CLA is closed for two weeks every year during the Christmas holidays.