Exam dates : Registration dates :
Tuesday, May 20th, 2025 March 31st to April 25th, 2025
Tuesday, December 02nd, 2025 October 13rd to November 07th, 2025

Exam fees
: 70 €
Administrative fees : 30 € – Candidates who are registered for a course at the CLA are exempt from paying these fees (valid for 1 year).

Both exam and administrative fees must be paid before the registration deadline

The DELF A1 is one of the diplomas issued by the French Ministry of Education to certify the French language skills of foreign candidates. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference, level A1.

The DELF A1 assesses the following 4 language skills : listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and gives a score out of 25 for each skill.

Exam details :

Listening (approximately 20 minutes)

Candidates will answer questionnaires about three or four very short recordings relating to everyday situations. Each recording may be listened to twice.

Reading (30 minutes)

Candidates will answer questionnaires based on four or five written documents relating to everyday situations.

Writing (30 minutes)

This is a two-part test. Candidates will be asked to :

– Fill out a form ;
– Write simple sentences (post cards, messages, captions, etc.) on everyday subjects

Speaking (5 to 7 minutes / preparation time : 10 minutes)

This is a three-part test which consists of :

– a guided interview ;
– asking questions ;
– a role play.

Please note that candidates must obtain at least 50 out of 100 in the overall result in order to be awarded the DELF A1. Any mark below 5/25 is considered a fail.

You can prepare for the DELF A1 by enrolling in our monthly intensive language courses or in our semester-long semi-intensives (see our ‘Learning French’ section). 


Exam dates : Registration dates :
Tuesday, May 20th, 2025 March 31st to April 25th, 2025
Tuesday, December 02nd, 2025 October 13rd to November 07th, 2025


Exam fees : 70 €
Administrative fees : 30 € – Candidates who are registered for a course at the CLA are exempt from paying these fees (valid for 1 year).

Both exam and administrative fees must be paid before the registration deadline.

The DELF A2 is one of the diplomas issued by the French Ministry of Education to certify the French language skills of foreign candidates. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference, level A2.
The DELF A2 assesses the following 4 language skills : listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and gives a score out of 25 for each skill.

Exam details :

Listening (approximately 25 minutes)
Candidates will answer questionnaires about three or four very short recordings relating to everyday situations. Each recording may be listened to twice.

Reading (30 minutes)
Candidates will answer questionnaires based on four or five written documents relating to everyday situations.

Writing (45 minutes)
Candidates will be asked to write two short pieces to :
– describe an event or personal experience ;
– invite, thank, apologise to, ask, inform, congratulate someone.

Speaking (6 to 8 minutes / preparation time: 10 minutes)
This is a three-part test which consists of :
– a guided interview ;
– a presentation ;
– a role play.

Please note that : candidates must obtain at least 50 out of 100 in the overall result in order to be awarded the DELF A2. Any mark below 5/25 is considered a fail.

You can prepare for the DELF A2 by enrolling in our monthly intensive language courses or in our semester-long semi-intensives (see our ‘Learning French’ section).

Exam dates : Registration dates :
Exam dates : Registration dates :
wednesday May 21st, 2025 March 31st to April 25th, 2025
wednesday December 03rd, 2025 October 13rd to November 07th, 2025

Exam fees : 110 €
Administrative fees : 30 € – Candidates who are registered for a course at the CLA are exempt from paying these fees (valid for 1 year).

Both exam and administrative fees must be paid before the registration deadline.

The DELF B1 is one of the diplomas issued by the French Ministry of Education to certify the French language skills of foreign candidates. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference, level B1.

The DELF B1 assesses the following 4 language skills : listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and gives a score out of 25 for each skill.

Exam details :

Listening (approximately 25 minutes)
Candidates will answer questionnaires about three recordings. Each recording may be listened to twice.

Reading (35 minutes)
Candidates will answer questionnaires based on two documents. They will be asked to :
– identify useful information in relation to a given task ;
– analyse the content of a document providing general information.

Writing (durée : 0h45)
Candidates will be asked to give their opinion on a general theme in the form of an essay, letter, article, etc.

Speaking (approximately 15 minutes / preparation time: 10 minutes for part #3 only)
This is a three-part test which consists of :
– an interview ;
– a problem-solving role play ;
– a presentation expressing an opinion on a document.

Please note that candidates must obtain at least 50 out of 100 in the overall result in order to be awarded the DELF B1. Any mark below 5/25 is considered a fail.

You can prepare for the DELF B1 by enrolling in :

– our monthly intensive language courses ;
– our semester-long semi-intensive courses ;
– our semester-long “Language, Culture and Society” program.
(See our ‘Learning French’ section)


Exam dates : Registration dates :
wednesday May 21st, 2025 March 31st to April 25th, 2025
wednesday December 03rd, 2025 October 13rd to November 07th, 2025


Exam fees : 110 €
Administrative fees : 30 € – Candidates who are registered for a course at the CLA are exempt from paying these fees (valid for 1 year).

Both exam and administrative fees must be paid before the registration deadline.

The DELF B2 is one of the diplomas issued by the French Ministry of Education to certify the French language skills of foreign candidates. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference, level B2.

The DELF B2 assesses the following 4 language skills : listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and gives a score out of 25 for each skill.

Exam details :

Listening (30 minutes)
Candidates will answer questionnaires about two recordings, such as interviews, news bulletins, presentations, speeches, or documentary, radio or television programs. Each recording may be listened to twice.

Reading (1 hour)
Candidates will answer questionnaires based on two documents :
– an informative text about France or another French-speaking country ;
– an argumentative text.

Writing (1 hour)
Candidates will be asked to write an argumentative text such as a formal letter or review presenting their point of view on a given subject.

Speaking (approximately 20 minutes / preparation time: approximatively 30 minutes)
Candidates will be asked to present and defend their point of view on a given document.

Please note that candidates must obtain at least 50 out of 100 in the overall result in order to be awarded the DELF B2. Any mark below 5/25 is considered a fail.

You can prepare for the DELF B2 by enrolling in :
– our monthly intensive language courses ;
– our semester-long semi-intensive courses ;
– our semester-long “Language, Culture and Society” program.
(See our ‘Learning French’ section)


Exam dates :

Registration dates :
Thursday May 22nd, 2025 March 31st to April 25th, 2025
Thursday December 04th, 2025 October 13rd to November 13rd, 2025

Exam fees :
Administratives fees : 30 € – Candidates who are registered for a course at the CLA are exempt from paying these fees (valid for 1 year).

Both exam and administrative fees must be paid before the registration deadline.

The DALF C1 is one of the diplomas issued by the French Ministry of Education to certify the French language skills of foreign candidates. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference, level C1.

Candidates choose between two specialties : humanities or science.
The DALF C1 assesses the following 4 language skills : listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and gives a score out of 25 for each skill.

Exam details :

Listening (approximately 40 minutes)
Candidates will answer questionnaires based on the following types of recordings :

– one long recording (interview, lecture, conference). This document is approximately 8 minutes long and may be listened to only twice.
– several short radio recordings (news flashes, surveys, ads). These documents may be listened to only once.

Reading (50 minutes)
Candidates will answer questionnaires based on a literary or journalistic text (maximum length of text: 1,500-2,000 words).

Writing (2.5 hours)
This is a two-part test. Candidates will be asked to :
-summarise several written documents ;
-write an argumentative essay based on these documents.

Speaking (approximately 30 minutes approximately / preparation time : 1 hour)
Candidates will be asked to make a presentation based on several written documents, followed by a discussion with the jury.

Please note that candidates must obtain at least 50 out of 100 in the overall result in order to be awarded the DALF C1. Any mark below 5/25 is considered a fail.

You can prepare for the DALF C1 by enrolling in :
– our semester-long “Language, Culture and Society” program ;
– our training courses for teachers and future teachers.
Exam dates : Registration dates :
Thursday May 22nd, 2025 March 31st to April 25th, 2025
Thursday December 4th, 2025 October 13rd to November 07th, 2025


Exam fees : 130 €
Administrative fees : 30 € – Candidates who are registered for a course at the CLA are exempt from paying these fees (valid for 1 year).

Both exam and administrative fees must be paid before the registration deadline.

DALF C2 is one of the diplomas issued by the French Ministry of Education to certify the French language skills of foreign candidates. It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference, level C2.

Candidates choose between two specialties: humanities or science.

The DALF C2 assesses the following 4 language skills : listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and gives a score out of 25 for each skill.

Exam details :

Listening and speaking (30 minutes / preparation time: 1 hour)
This is a three-part test. Candidates will be asked to :
– summarise a recording, which may be listened to only twice ;
– make a personal presentation related to the recording and its theme ;
– answer questions about their presentation.

Reading and writing (3.5 hours)
Candidates will be asked to write a well-structured text (article, journalistic text, report, or speech) based on a selection of documents (length of documents: approximatively 2000 words).

Please note that candidates must obtain at least 50 out of 100 in the overall result in order to be awarded the DALF C2. Any mark below 5/25 is considered a fail.

You can prepare for the DALF C2 by enrolling in :
– our semester-long “Language, Culture and Society” program ;
– our training courses for teachers and future teachers.