Centre of excellence

Every year, the CLA is called upon to perform around a hundred missions worldwide on very diverse issues.

Our large and skilled teaching staff provide our centre with a rich array of competences meeting our partners’ training requirements.
The CLA operates on educational cooperation projects on behalf of official sponsors such as:

  • French Embassies in several countries
  • French-speaking countries’ operators (OIF - Organisation internationale de la francophonie, and AUF - Agence universitaire de la francophonie)
  • international operators (World Bank and International Monetary Fund)
  • French operators (FCI - France coopération internationale, and AFD - Agence française de développement)

A number of expert missions have to do with assessment, training, and engineering.

They are opportunities to check firsthand the preferred options as for developments in technology transfer, transmission of educational knowledge, fitting of devices, and arrangement of systems.

Furthermore, these missions enable CLA’s specialists to set up partnerships, carry out or take part in tangible achievements, and collect relevant information about the actual situation of French language around the world.

The Cooperation in Education Pole (engineering and expertise unit) ensures the follow-up of the Scientific and Educational Commission, for us to develop each year innovative teaching material, whose results we put back into our training programs and provisions, and to design French language self-study material and tools meant to foster the integration of international students into French university streams.

Please feel free to contact ingenierie-cla@univ-fcomte.fr